Copper is vital to the energy transition, and demand is forecast to double by 2035 and keep increasing.

Our technology is the best available option for enabling the rapid increases in copper production needed to power the energy transition efficiently and sustainably.

Vital to the energy transition 

Copper is the most efficient, strongest, and most versatile metal conductor available today. It is used in almost all electrical devices and is a critical component of technologies vital to the energy transition.

5.5 tons

A battery electric car requires approximately 2.5 times more copper than conventional internal combustion engine vehicles, while a three-megawatt wind turbine can contain up to 4.7 tons of copper. There are approximately 5.5 tons of copper per megawatt in solar powered systems.

50 MMt by 2040

According to Wood Mackenzie, the energy transition is expected to drive a huge increase in copper demand, from roughly 28 million metric tons (M mt) today to over 50 M mt by 2040. To meet this demand and deliver global net-zero goals, massive new supplies of copper are required.

Total copper consumption by 2040 required to achieve global net zero emissions [by 2050]

Source: Wood Mackenzie, Q2 2022

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More copper, responsibly

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